Muhammad Ali loved babies: a firsthand account
“You know Muhammad Ali loves babies,” a woman behind me said, grinning at my son who had calmed down. “Yes,” I responded even though I really didn’t. It hadn’t mattered to know that before.
“You know Muhammad Ali loves babies,” a woman behind me said, grinning at my son who had calmed down. “Yes,” I responded even though I really didn’t. It hadn’t mattered to know that before.
My first grandchild is due any day now and I’ve got two words of advice for his parents: Hold on.
I realized that this was the last time I’d get you up for school. This particular morning was the final day of your senior year.
This time when she launches the regret-having-kids question, I don’t reply immediately as I typically do. Now that she’s 14, maybe I have a different answer for her.
It’s my fault that he left in a U-Haul in the middle of the night. He might try to tell you differently, but don’t believe him.