College, coasters, and keeping the faith

College, coasters, and keeping the faith

To my dearest Emmali, I blinked. And it happened. One moment we’re carrying your bedding, clothing and mini-fridge from the back of the packed SUV into the freshman dorm room you’d be sharing with a stranger; the next second, I swear, we’re reserving a U-haul truck so...
To Miss Know-It-Already

To Miss Know-It-Already

Dear December 31, 2017 Me, What can I say that you don’t already know? You are at the end of a year that I can only dream about. You have experienced events that I have no idea will end up on the calendar. They are secrets to me now as they should be. If 2015 Me had...
The pain will keep her safe

The pain will keep her safe

My mother told me that the pain is necessary so I wasn’t praying right to want it gone.  She wasn’t rude about it; she didn’t interrupt my prayer, but gently nudged me when I was done. The pain will keep her safe, Mom said while I sat on the edge of the desk next to...
Now appearing on the small screen

Now appearing on the small screen

I downloaded a new screensaver. It’s colorful and cute and occasionally, it cries. My picture perfect grandson entered the world before the sun was up on June 5. His daddy, my son Riles, video called me hours later and I watched my first grandbaby from 700 miles away...