To Miss Know-It-Already
What can I say that you don’t already know? You are at the end of a year that I can only dream about. You have experienced events that I have no idea will end up on the calendar.
What can I say that you don’t already know? You are at the end of a year that I can only dream about. You have experienced events that I have no idea will end up on the calendar.
She didn’t interrupt my prayer, but gently nudged me when I was done. The pain will keep her safe, she said.
This lopsided life of mine began while I was living my childhood dream and I looked in the mirror one night and saw the face of a woman I didn’t recognize. Later in the emergency room, I first heard…Bell’s Palsy.
I felt like Alice stepping through the looking glass, leaving my sure-footed world behind as I tumbled into the topsy-turvy, crazy-in-love world of grandparenting.
What is it about parents that they think because they enjoyed something in their youth, their children will be just as thrilled about doing the same thing? I am one of those parents. My daughter is one of those kids.
“You know Muhammad Ali loves babies,” a woman behind me said, grinning at my son who had calmed down. “Yes,” I responded even though I really didn’t. It hadn’t mattered to know that before.